The Action Update: Countering the Campus Intifada

A wise man once said, “Battles do not stay won, and points do not stay made.”

While Israel has won every physical battle for her existence, her enemies continue to come back to try to destroy her. The battle for Israel’s existence and that of the Jewish people must be re-won with every generation. The celebration and story of Passover, which concluded this week, reminds all of us that the challenges of today have an historical precedent, to say the least.


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The Action Update: CUFI to Hold Emergency Fly-In Next Week

American defense personnel believe an Iranian attack on Israel is imminent. The Biden administration, while expressing support for Israel against Iran, has sought to kneecap Israel’s efforts to swiftly defeat Iran’s proxy, Hamas. Of the more than 130 hostages remaining in captivity, reports are trickling out that the majority have been killed. Congress has not yet passed emergency aid to Israel since the 10/07 massacre. It’s been more than six months. In this week’s edition of the Action Update there is only one topic:

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The Action Update: Politics Meets War

This past weekend, Israel marked the grimmest of milestones; the 250th Israeli soldier was killed in Gaza. The soldier, Staff Sgt. Matan Vinogradov (z’’l), fell during an operation that resulted in scores of terrorists arrested and the head of Hamas’s internal security wing dead. As Israel slogs through the difficult job of vanquishing Hamas, our leaders here at home are not helping the situation.

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The Action Update: Congress Fiddles as Israel Fights

Nearly 150 days into the war in Gaza, Congress has yet to advance emergency military assistance for Israel. We are rapidly approaching the moment where Congressional inaction coupled with the Biden administration’s election season pressure campaign will make our elected officials handmaidens to atrocities. In this week’s edition of the Action Update, we’ll discuss the latest on the aid and Israel’s rapidly heating up northern border. But first, the Palestinian Authority is playing musical chairs again, so we’ll start there.

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