Legislative Agenda

The CUFI Action Fund is currently supporting the following pieces of legislation:

Presently our legislative agenda is focused on the following issues:

The Countering Hate Against Israel (CHAI) by Federal Contractors Act (H.R. 4564)

According to its own leaders, the BDS movement’s goal is to use economic antisemitism to end the existence of the state of Israel. The CHAI Act will require U.S. government contractors to certify that they are not engaged in a boycott of Israel and will not do so for the duration of contracts they secure with the U.S. government. Thirty-six states have advanced similar measures, and such laws have been tested in the courts and they do not outlaw or infringe upon one’s Constitutional right to boycott.

Antisemitism Awareness Act (H.R. 6090/S. 4127))

Since 2016, CUFI has supported efforts to codify the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism, as guidance, into the law for investigatory purposes when an underlying crime has been committed. President Donald Trump’s 2019 Executive Order Combating Antisemitism made use of the IHRA definition the policy of the U.S. government; President Biden has sustained that order. 

The Antisemitism Awareness Act largely codifies President Trump’s EO. At a time of record-breaking Jew-hatred in the United States, we must combat antisemitism- and one cannot defeat that which they are unwilling to define. 

Holocaust Education and Antisemitism Lessons (HEAL) Act (H.R. 603/S. 1273)

This legislation directs the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to assess the state of Holocaust education across the country, including the depth and breadth of Holocaust education standards at the state and district level, as well as the type and quality of instructional materials currently in use. The Museum will then report its findings to Congress.

Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act (H.R. 1408 /S. 691):

This legislation would enable the Treasury Department’s ability to assess if a foreign bank is aiding and abetting the Palestinian Authority’s policy of paying terrorists’ stipends (known commonly as the PA’s pay-to-slay) policy.

The PA continues to pay terrorists to kill Israelis. We must do everything in our power to undermine this horrific scheme. Following the Taylor Force Act, the next step is to ensure financial institutions are not helping the PA kill innocent people by enabling transactions that incentivize murder.

United States-Israel Future of Warfare Act (H.R. 1777/S. 1802):

This legislation will expand American-Israeli cooperation on emerging defense technologies, creating a $50 million fund for fiscal years 2024-2028.

With China, Russia and Iran all sharing weapons and expanding their military capabilities, it is in the vital national security interests of both the U.S. and Israel that the two nations collaborate on ways to contend with our adversaries’ emerging military technology.

The Countering Hate Against Israel (CHAI) by Federal Contractors Act (H.R. 4564)

According to its own leaders, the BDS movement’s goal is to use economic antisemitism to end the existence of the state of Israel. The CHAI Act will require U.S. government contractors to certify that they are not engaged in a boycott of Israel and will not do so for the duration of contracts they secure with the U.S. government. Thirty-six states have advanced similar measures, and such laws have been tested in the courts and they do not outlaw or infringe upon one’s Constitutional right to boycott.

The Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum Act (H.R. 3774/S. 1829)

Each day, China and others enable Iran to rake in cash by aiding the Islamic Republic’s illicit oil sales. The bipartisan and bicameral SHIP Act would sanction those international ports and refineries that are used to process the approximately 1.2 million barrels of illicit oil Iran exports each day.

The FY 2024 House and Senate State-Foreign Operations Appropriations Bills   

CUFI supports ensuring the State-Foreign Operations Bill includes the full $3.3 billion, with no conditions, as outlined by the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding between the United States and Israel. In addition, CUFI supports language in the House version of the legislation which addresses hostile nations and anti-Israel bias at the UN.

Holocaust Education and Antisemitism Lessons (HEAL) Act (H.R. 603/S. 1273)

This legislation directs the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to assess the state of Holocaust education across the country, including the depth and breadth of Holocaust education standards at the state and district level, as well as the type and quality of instructional materials currently in use. The Museum will then report its findings to Congress.

Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act (H.R. 1408 /S. 691):

This legislation would enable the Treasury Department’s ability to assess if a foreign bank is aiding and abetting the Palestinian Authority’s policy of paying terrorists’ stipends (known commonly as the PA’s pay-to-slay) policy.

The PA continues to pay terrorists to kill Israelis. We must do everything in our power to undermine this horrific scheme. Following the Taylor Force Act, the next step is to ensure financial institutions are not helping the PA kill innocent people by enabling transactions that incentivize murder.

United States-Israel Future of Warfare Act (H.R. 1777):

This legislation will expand American-Israeli cooperation on emerging defense technologies, creating a $50 million fund for fiscal years 2024-2028.

With China, Russia and Iran all sharing weapons and expanding their military capabilities, it is in the vital national security interests of both the U.S. and Israel that the two nations collaborate on ways to contend with our adversaries’ emerging military technology.

COI Elimination Act (H.R. 211):

This legislation would restrict American taxpayer dollars from funding the UNHRC’s anti-Israel Commission.

The United States should not subsidize yet another UN effort to demonize the world’s only Jewish state. If this legislation advances, funds would be withheld until the U.S. Secretary of State certifies that the UNHRC has abolished its Commission of Inquiry (COI) into Israel.

United States-Israel PTSD Collaborative Research Act (H.R. 2454):

This legislation would “leverage research assets and experiences of the U.S. and Israel to develop best practices in the research, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD. The legislation also establishes a grant program for American universities and private non-profits teaming up with Israeli counterparts to research PTSD.”

As the two leading nations defending democracy and the western way of life, Israel and the United States, sadly, must send troops into combat at times. It is our moral and patriotic duty to take care of our warfighters when they come home. This bill will better enable us to contend with the mental and emotional toll defending freedom has taken on the brave men and women of the American and Israeli armed forces.

Mahsa Amini Human Rights and Security Accountability Act (H.R. 589):

This legislation requires the President to impose property-blocking and visa-blocking sanctions on certain persons (individuals and entities) affiliated with Iran.

Iran, which threatens the United States and Israel, aids Russia and China, and subjugates its own people, is in the throes of a nationwide protest movement. Under this legislation, the President must periodically make determinations about whether certain existing sanctions apply to specified persons and impose the applicable sanctions, including determinations concerning (1) the Supreme Leader of Iran and any official in the Office of the Supreme Leader of Iran, (2) the President of Iran and any official in the Office of the President of Iran, and (3) any entity overseen by the Office of the Supreme Leader of Iran which is complicit in supporting human rights abuses or terrorism.