The Action Update: China Meddling in the Middle East

Pardon our bluntness, but the effort to contend with Iran’s malevolence is not going particularly well. In order for Tehran’s behavior to be addressed, Washington must take a comprehensive approach to the Iranian threat. Unfortunately, while the Biden Administration has made some steps in the right direction, their overall foreign policy betrays a weakness to which our allies and adversaries are reacting. We’ll start with the good news, but don’t get your hopes up.

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The Action Update: Iran on the Brink

In recent days, the Biden administration’s top defense policy official told Congress that it would take the Islamic Republic “about 12 days” to produce enough fissile material for a single nuclear bomb. This doesn’t mean they’ll have a bomb next week – there are other technological advancements that are required in order to put a nuke on the tip of a missile – but needless to say, this news is not good. In today’s Action Update, we delve into three storylines that inform this new and frightening information.

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The Action Update: Iranian Drones and a Chemical Terror Attack Thwarted

During the past week, Washington was focused on the effort to elect a Speaker of the House of Representatives. With that task now complete, we’re sure our elected officials would agree that it’s time for Congress to get to the hard work of governing this nation. As they do so, here are a few items they might consider bearing in mind in the context of U.S. foreign policy.

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The Action Update: The UN Goes After Israel (Again) and Other 2023 Challenges

Welcome to 2023. We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year. Over the past few months, we’ve been preparing for the changes set to take place in Washington and around the world. In today’s Action Update, we’ll let you know what’s going on and what we’re looking at in the coming weeks, months and year.

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