CUFI Action Fund Opposes Qatar’s F-35 Request

October 12, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Monday, the leadership of the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund released the following statement concerning reports that Qatar is seeking to acquire the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

“Qatar is a terror-supporting, anti-Israel nation that has allied itself with both Iran and Turkey. Doha cannot have it both ways. They must stop supporting terror and allying with our enemies before any such request is taken seriously,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

“Rather than embracing the UAE’s forward-looking approach to the Middle East, including normalization with Israel, and seeing an example to be followed, Qatar persists in backing Hamas and feuding with its Arab neighbors. This request to purchase America’s most advanced fighter plane should be denied immediately,” Parker added.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


CUFI Applauds Historic Normalization of Ties between Israel and UAE

August 13, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, welcomed the announcement that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) would be normalizing ties.

“This is an historic announcement. We consistently pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and today those prayers were answered in a big way. In the context of the discussion about extending Israeli sovereignty to portions of Judea and Samaria, we made clear in late June that this is precisely what the Gulf states should do, and we hope other Arab nations will follow the UAE’s lead. CUFI backs the decisions of the democratically elected Government of Israel, including the decision to suspend sovereignty extension plans in this context,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee.

“This proves yet again that when Israel’s Arab neighbors are prepared to make peace with the Jewish state, Israel will always be there to meet them,” Hagee added.

Directly before CUFI’s 2020 Washington Summit, Hagee gave an interview to The Jerusalem Post in which he noted, “The Gulf states, who are claiming that Israeli ‘annexation’ would lead to an end to their not-so-secret relations with Israel, ought to put their requests in a positive light. Rather than threaten to walk away, they should publicly and formally offer normalization of ties between the broader Arab world and Israel if Israel gives the Palestinians a set period of time to return to the negotiating table in good faith.”

“Israel is always willing to make peace, and our elected officials in Congress should bear that in mind as they consider policies that impact the US-Israel relationship. It is our fervent hope that this historic announcement will pave the way for other countries who should have no quarrel with Israel to normalize ties with the Jewish state,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

With more than 8.5 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


CUFI Action Fund Welcomes Key Provisions in NDAA

July 23, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund released a statement welcoming key elements in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that are of vital importance to the US-Israel alliance.

In the Senate version of the legislation the Action Fund welcomed the inclusion of the US-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act (section 6290), the establishment of United States-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group (section 1286), as well as provisions related to the Iron Dome missile defense system (section 1661), US-Israel cooperation on precision-guided munitions (section 6283), and items related to the Iranian regime’s malicious behavior (sections 519 and 520).

“The Senate version of the NDAA includes two of CUFI’s three 2020 summit legislative agenda items: the US-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act and the US-Israel Military Capability Act. We are extremely grateful to the leadership on both sides of the aisle for ensuring these vital elements were included in the bill,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

The draft of the NDAA that was voted out of the House of Representatives also included CUFI-supported priorities. Specifically, the House version includes a sense of the Congress on US-Israel missile defense cooperation (section 1659), a grant program for increased US-Israel cooperation on post-traumatic stress disorder research (section 736), and Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s (R-IL) amendment (number 205) which directs the Administration to impose sanctions on Turkey in relation to Ankara’s acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile defense system.

“The House version of the NDAA has several commendable elements and we are pleased to see the House of Representatives come together in such an overwhelming and bipartisan fashion to move this bill forward,” Parker said.

“We are communicating with leaders in both chambers to ensure these components of the NDAA are maintained through the conference committee process. We have every confidence that the final draft of the NDAA will include all of the pro-Israel items in found the two versions of the bill,” Parker added.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


CUFI Applauds President Trump for Signing Never Again Education Act

May 28, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, released statements applauding President Donald Trump for signing the Never Again Education Act.

“This is an important win for our country. With the abhorrent rise in anti-Semitism sweeping across the nation we’ve seen the dramatic impact that ignorance about the Holocaust can have. No student’s education is complete without a firm understanding of the greatest genocide ever committed. This legislation takes an important step forward in ensuring the next generation understands the horrors and dangers of anti-Semitism. I am very grateful to the President for signing this bill into law,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee.

“The President signing this bill today shows what a committed, bipartisan group of elected officials can do when they have the active support of the people and right on their side. We are very grateful to the leaders in Congress who moved this bill forward and to the President for signing this legislation,” noted CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

With more than 8 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


CUFI Action Fund Endorses Proposal on Joint US-Israel Efforts to Combat COVID-19

April 30, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund released the following statement welcoming the recent influx of cosponsors to the Never Again Education Act.

“The Never Again Education Act is a top priority for the Action Fund, and we are thrilled the legislation now has a supermajority of cosponsors. We look forward to swift action on this bipartisan bill upon the Senate’s return to Washington,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

Last month, Action Fund Director of Government Affairs Alexandria Paolozzi joined with her counterpart at Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America (HWZOA), in authoring an op-ed laying out the importance of the bill.

In the piece, the authors noted, “Local jurisdictions will have to make their own decisions about curricula, but those who teach the Holocaust and its universal lessons should position educators to offer their very best. We cannot expect educators to teach a subject as intense as the Holocaust without instructional resources and professional support.”

“This legislation will ensure that educators wishing to teach about this important issue will have support from the federal government. We are very grateful to Senators Rosen and Cramer for their leadership on this bill,” Parker added.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


CUFI Action Fund Endorses Proposal on Joint US-Israel Efforts to Combat COVID-19

April 20, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Monday, the leadership of the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund released the following statement expressing support for the bipartisan effort to increase funding for joint US-Israel cooperation aimed at combatting COVID-19:

“The US and Israel are among the most innovative countries on earth and among the closest allies in the world. It is only natural that at this time we seek to utilize this relationship to combat the global pandemic. The CUFI Action Fund strongly endorses the proposal from Senators Cruz and Coons to appropriate $12 million in the forthcoming CARES 2 bill towards joint American-Israeli efforts aimed at contending with the novel coronavirus. We are very grateful to these two Senators for their leadership on this issue,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


CUFI Action Fund Welcomes New Sanctions on Iran

January 10, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Friday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund issued a statement welcoming the Trump administration’s imposition of new sanctions on Iran:

As recent events clearly remind us, Iran’s imperialist ambitions must be met with strength.

We applaud the Trump administration for imposing sanctions on additional sectors of the Iranian economy and welcome the designations of senior individuals in Iran’s national security establishment as well as individuals and companies associated with manufacturing and metal production.

The days in which Iranian aggression is met with appeasement are over. As long as Iran persists in seeking to export the Islamic Revolution, the regime should suffer increasing economic and diplomatic pressure.

Only this maximum pressure campaign can diminish the likelihood the Islamic Republic acquires a nuclear weapon and increase the likelihood the Iranian people will one day be able to take their country back from Tehran’s tyrants.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country. The Action Fund’s policy agenda includes support for a strong US-Israel relationship, standing up to anti-Semitism, defending Israel’s right to self-defense and self-determination, and opposition to regional bad actors such as Iran and Turkey and the terrorist organizations they support.


CUFI Action Fund Endorses Proposal on Joint US-Israel Efforts to Combat COVID-19

January 10, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Monday, the leadership of the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund released the following statement expressing support for the bipartisan effort to increase funding for joint US-Israel cooperation aimed at combatting COVID-19:

“The US and Israel are among the most innovative countries on earth and among the closest allies in the world. It is only natural that at this time we seek to utilize this relationship to combat the global pandemic. The CUFI Action Fund strongly endorses the proposal from Senators Cruz and Coons to appropriate $12 million in the forthcoming CARES 2 bill towards joint American-Israeli efforts aimed at contending with the novel coronavirus. We are very grateful to these two Senators for their leadership on this issue,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


CUFI Action Fund Welcomes Senate Introduction of United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act

January 9, 2020

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund issued a statement welcoming the Senate’s introduction of the United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act:

“At a time when the free world faces unprecedented challenges and uncertainty in the Middle East, a strong US-Israel alliance is vital to ensuring the protection of American values and interests in the region.

“Similar legislation unanimously passed the House of Representatives, and this bill will enjoy overwhelming, bipartisan support in the Senate. The Senate should move this legislation forward without delay.

“CUFI has supported a version of this bill for several years. If, as occurred at the end of 2018, fringe elements in the upper chamber work to block this legislation, it is incumbent upon Senate leadership to ensure the will of the people is not defied and the bill receives an up or down vote.”

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country. The Action Fund’s policy agenda includes support for a strong US-Israel relationship, standing up to anti-Semitism, defending Israel’s right to self-defense and self-determination, and opposition to regional bad actors such as Iran and Turkey and the terrorist organizations they support.


CUFI Welcomes Inclusion of Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act in Appropriations Bill

December 19, 2019

Ari Morgenstern
CUFI Action Fund
Tel: (404) 898-1278

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, welcomed the inclusion of the Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019 in the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020.

“Under Erdoğan’s authoritarian administration, Turkey has abandoned the values that once made that nation an American and Israeli ally. The least we can do is increase the cooperation between the US, Israel, Greece, and Cyprus to show Ankara that nations large and small will not be bullied by Turkey,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee.

“If Turkey persists in its turn towards Russia and Iran, their economy will suffer, and very soon they will discover the only allies they have are those who encompass the small axis of pariah states,” Hagee went on to say.

“This bill, which has been a top CUFI priority since our July Washington Summit, will enable enhanced cooperation between the US and the Mediterranean democracies most affected by Turkey’s radical, violent and anti-western policies,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

“Congressional passage of this bill comes not a moment too soon. As we’ve seen, Turkey grows more brazen by the day. In fact, just recently, we saw Turkish warships chase an Israeli research vessel out of Cypriot waters. One cannot appease a radical or a bully, and we are grateful to Senators Menendez and Rubio, Representatives Deutch and Bilirakis, and both the House and Senate leadership for their focus on this issue,” Parker added.

With more than 7 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.
