CUFI Action Fund Strongly Condemns Capitulation to Anti-Israel Members of Congress

Parker: “Speaker Pelosi must decide who leads her party, the President of the United States or the fringe Democrats who held the CR hostage to block a lifesaving tool simply because they hate Israel.”

(09/21/2021) WASHINGTON – The Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund released the following statement in response to the decision to remove support for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system from the Continuing Resolution (CR) currently under Congressional consideration:

“The sole purpose of the Iron Dome system is to protect innocent civilians from terrorist rocket attacks. While we understand the additional Iron Dome funding will be included in the forthcoming defense appropriations bill, these critical funds will now unnecessarily be further delayed. Those who refused to support the CR because it included funds for a purely defensive system have shown once again that they are neither pro-Palestinian nor pro-peace, they are simply anti-Israel,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

“There is no spin, no Washingtonian explanation, no excuse whatsoever that merits opposition to Israel’s missile defense system. The simplest explanation is the accurate one: there are fringe members of Congress who despise Israel’s existence, and today, their party’s Congressional leadership buckled to their blatant, vile hatred,” Parker said.

“During his remarks at the United Nations, President Biden reaffirmed America’s “unequivocal” support for Israel. Speaker Pelosi must decide who leads her party, the President of the United States or the fringe Democrats who held the CR hostage to block a lifesaving tool simply because they hate Israel,” Parker added.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.

State Leaders Stand With CUFI In Passing Critical Legislation

(04/28/2021) SAN ANTONIO – On Wednesday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, issued a statement welcoming the news that this week the governors of Idaho and West Virginia signed CUFI-backed anti-BDS legislation in their states into law and the Alabama State Senate concurred with the state’s House of Representatives by passing a resolution, “Endorsing and Encouraging Holocaust Education in the State of Alabama.”

“All three states, Utah, Idaho and West Virginia, where CUFI sought to advance legislation this year ensuring that taxpayer dollars do not end up in the hands of those who boycott Israel, have now seen those measures become law. And in Alabama, after close communications with a host of allied organizations and the Department of Education, we are now seeing that state endorse quality Holocaust education. Whether it comes in the form of Israel-boycotters or old-fashioned bigots, CUFI is resolutely committed to combating antisemitism at every turn,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee. 

CUFI regularly works with local rabbis and other Jewish communal leaders to advance such measures. This was especially true in Alabama where CUFI was joined in the effort to advance the Holocaust education resolution by a host of local leaders and organizations, including the Alabama Holocaust Commission, the Alabama-Israel Task Force, the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Birmingham Jewish Federation, the Jewish Federation of Central Alabama and the Mobile Area Jewish Federation.

“Action in state capitals does not happen without the efforts of invaluable partners at the local and national levels. As we push back against the BDS movement and seek to ensure the next generation is educated about the horrors of the Holocaust and the dangers of antisemitism, we do so arm-in-arm with organizations like the Jewish Federations of North America and the American Jewish Committee,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

To read Idaho’s Anti-Boycott Against Israel Act, signed by Governor Brad Little, please click here.

To read West Virginia’s Prohibition on contracting with companies that boycott Israel, signed by Governor Jim Justice, please click here.

To read Alabama’s Endorsing and Encouraging Holocaust Education in the State of Alabama, adopted by the Alabama legislature, please click here.

With more than 10 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


CUFI Action Fund Reacts to SASC Vote on Kahl

(03/24/2021) WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund, released the following statement concerning today’s vote on the nomination of Colin Kahl to serve as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in the Senate Committee on Armed Services:

”The CUFI Action Fund is disappointed in Senator Manchin’s decision to support Dr. Kahl’s nomination, especially in the face of widespread opposition in West Virginia.

“None have questioned the accuracy of the claims we have made concerning Dr. Kahl’s record. He remains a serial Iran appeaser and his record of antagonism towards Israel is shameful.

“As the tied committee vote shows, Dr. Kahl is an overtly partisan pick. His advancement harms the longstanding bipartisan consensus on a range of national security issues.

“The battle over Dr. Kahl’s nomination has been and remains a competition between the power of elites and the will of the people. As this partisan nomination moves forward, we urge the Senate to reject Colin Kahl and call upon the White House to put forth a nominee who can garner wide bipartisan support.”

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.

CUFI Action Fund Launches Six-Figure Ad-Buy in West Virginia Opposing Kahl Nomination

(03/19/2021) WASHINGTON – On Friday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund launched a six-figure digital and television ad buy in West Virginia highlighting Colin Kahl’s history of pro-Iran and anti-Israel positions and asking the state’s residents to contact Sen. Joe Manchin and express opposition to Kahl’s nomination to serve as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy.

“As the ad notes, Colin Kahl is unfit to serve. His positions on issues of import to pro-Israel voters are far outside the mainstream. In the past, Sen. Manchin has shown courage and independence in his foreign policy approach. On a number of occasions, he has personally sat down to hear the views of his pro-Israel constituents. In that spirit, we hope that Sen. Manchin elects to oppose Dr. Kahl,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.

CUFI Welcomes Utah Legislature Passage of Anti-BDS Legislation

(03/08/2021) WASHINGTON – On Monday, the local and national leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, welcomed the Utah State Legislature’s Friday passage of S.B. 186, the Utah Anti-Boycott Israel Amendments legislation. This legislation prohibits state entities from contracting with companies that boycott Israel.

“I believe the passage of S.B. 186 is essential to demonstrate Utah’s continued support of Israel’s rights as a nation to engage in free trade without the unwarranted attempts to do damage to its economy. Israel is the U.S.’s best friend in the region and we should stand with her as opportunities allow,” said CUFI Utah State Director, Pastor Craig McCune, the Senior Pastor at New Creation Church in Sandy.

“CUFI’s more than 65,000 members across the state of Utah and 10 million members around the country warmly welcome the overwhelming support this bill received in the Utah State Legislature. We must ensure the anti-Semitic movement to boycott the world’s only Jewish state receives no quarter in any state in the Union and Utah is doing its part,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee. 

“This legislation enjoyed widespread bipartisan support at a time when such is rarely the case in state capitals across the country. We are deeply grateful to Senator Jerry Stevenson and Representative Francis Gibson for their strong leadership on this legislation and we look forward to Governor Spencer Cox signing this bill into law without delay,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

With more than 10 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.

CUFI Condemns ICC Decision

(03/03/2021) WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, condemned the decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate Israeli and Palestinian actions since June 13, 2014.

“The only thing more predictable than today’s ICC announcement is the outcome of that investigation. The ICC has already shown its hand. It conferred jurisdiction upon itself and is limiting its investigation to events that took place one day after three Israeli boys were kidnapped and murdered by Hamas terrorists. Like the Goldstone report and so many international examinations of events in the region, the ICC will undoubtedly seek to find fault with every Israeli act of defense and seek to forgive every Palestinian act of aggression,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee.

“International institutions have done themselves and the world a grave disservice by undermining their own legitimacy with anti-Israel witch hunts. The ICC will now join that abysmal tradition. Thankfully, the consequences of the ICC’s action will be limited. Despite decades of institutionalized international anti-Semitism, the Jewish state has continued to survive and thrive. Tomorrow will be no different,” Hagee added.

“The only consequence of the ICC’s probe should be the maintenance and possible expansion of sanctions against those individuals associated with this charade. International institutions made up of individuals that make sport of attacking the Jewish state must be held accountable by Israel’s allies. We commend the Biden administration for maintaining current ICC related designations and urge the White House to continue exercising sound judgement with respect to the same,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

With more than 10 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.

CUFI Action Fund Statement on Rep. Greene’s Removal from Committees

WASHINGTON (02/04/2021) – On Thursday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund issued the following statement:

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s antisemitism, for which she has yet to apologize, does not represent the Republican party or the American people. Her bigoted beliefs should be shunned and removing her from her committee assignments was therefore necessary. Both parties must get their respective houses in order and reject any radical Members of Congress who desecrate the Capitol by trafficking in antisemitic tropes.”

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.

CUFI Action Fund Statement on Malley Appointment

WASHINGTON (01/29/2021) – On Friday, the leadership of the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund issued the following response to Robert Malley’s appointment to serve as President Biden’s Iran envoy:

“Robert Malley is the wrong man for the job. He has a well-documented track record of appeasing America’s adversaries and condemning one of our closest allies. Whoever sits across the table from Iran’s tyrannical regime should be more interested in a good deal than a deal at any price – Robert Malley is not that person,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

“We continue to urge the Biden administration to not repeat the errors of 2015 and instead engage Iran in a manner that maximizes the likelihood of securing a strong, comprehensive agreement with bipartisan support. Unfortunately, Malley’s appointment signals that this outcome is less likely,” Parker added.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.

CUFI Action Fund Calls on Republican Leadership to Remove Greene from Committee Assignments

WASHINGTON (01/29/2021) – On Friday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund issued the following statement:

“As we have seen, in recent years there are individuals who subscribe to absurd, dangerous, antisemitic lies and react with violence. Leaders of both parties must unequivocally repudiate those who enable these lies to persist.”

“In light of recent reports that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene advanced wild, antisemitic conspiracy theories, we call upon Republican leaders in Congress to immediately remove Greene from her committee assignments pending a full review of her past statements. It is incumbent upon the leadership of both parties to get their respective houses in order and condemn all those who traffic in antisemitic tropes.”

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.



CUFI Welcomes Congressional Passage of NDAA

President Trump Urged To Sign Bill Without Delay

WASHINGTON – On Friday, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, released a statement applauding passage of the fiscal year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and welcoming key provisions in the bill that were among CUFI’s top legislative priorities in the 116th Congress.

The bill includes the US-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act (Sec 1271-1280B) and the establishment of United States-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group (section 1299M). These two policies comprised two of the three legislative agenda items for which CUFI members lobbied their elected officials during the group’s 2020 Virtual Summit.

“CUFI members sent more than 300,000 emails to elected officials during our 2020 Summit. I’m extremely pleased to see that as a result, the US-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act and the US-Israel Military Capability Act will become the law of the land once this legislation is signed by the President,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee.

“This success, on the heels of our seeing the Never Again Education Act signed into law, shows that when a group of Americans devote themselves to a cause and communicate directly with elected officials, progress can be made even in a divided Washington,” Hagee added.

Additional CUFI-backed items in the NDAA include support for the Iron Dome defense system and co-development and co-production of the Israeli cooperative missile defense program (section 1649), a mandate that the White House sanction Turkey for Ankara’s acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile defense system (Sec 1241), and an anti-money laundering provision that will have a direct, negative impact on terrorist organizations.

“The final NDAA is a product of bipartisan cooperation and a wide range of groups coming together to advance common goals and enhance American national security interests. It is refreshing to see Congress set aside its partisan differences to advance this vital legislation. We strongly support this bill being signed into law,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

With more than 9.5 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.
