The Action Update: Operation Northern Arrows

Over the past two weeks, Israel has engaged in a series of preemptive attacks in an effort to decrease Hezbollah’s will and ability to continue its war against Israel. Simultaneously, the war in Gaza shows no signs of abating as Hamas has rejected every offer, even one that would’ve allowed the head of Hamas and his family safe passage out of Gaza.  Israel is at war on multiple fronts; here’s where things stand.



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The Action Update: The Clear and Present Danger in Tehran

Some weeks, it’s tough to resist the urge to repeat ourselves. Admittedly this is a roundabout I told you so for many in power, but the simple truth is, we’d rather be wrong. We’d rather negotiations with Tehran and its henchman solve points of disagreement but given Iran’s nonnegotiable position that Israel must cease to exist, any agreements with evil’s modern incarnation will prove short-lived at best.  The only long-term solution to the current conflict(s) in the Middle East is regime change in Iran. 



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The Action Update: CUFI Holds Annual Summit Amidst War

As 3,000 members of Christians United for Israel began gathering in our nation’s capital last weekend for the annual CUFI Summit, we were met with news of a horrific Hezbollah missile attack that killed 12 people, mostly children, none older than 20. It was upon this tragic backdrop, of yet another terrorist abomination, that the Summit commenced.



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CUFI Rejects ICJ Opinion Undermining Jewish Claims In The Holy Land


July 19, 2024

CUFI Rejects ICJ Opinion Undermining Jewish Claims In The Holy Land

WASHINGTON – On Friday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, released the following statement rejecting the gross overreach and willful blindness to indisputable facts of anti-Israel activist judges at the United Nations’ International Court of Justice (ICJ).

“The Word of God is true, and the Children of Israel are the indigenous people of the Holy Land. Either of these facts on their own should be enough to rally the world to Israel’s cause.

“Tragically, in a world comfortable with Jew-hatred, the concept of alternative facts, and a court led by an anti-Israel judge, we do not expect the international community will see the light of truth anytime soon.

“Neither the UN nor the ICJ has the authority to make pronouncements about Judea and Samaria.”

The ICJ’s advisory opinion, On the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, can be read here.

With more than 10 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is the policy arm of the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.
