Updates & Analysis

The Action Update: Oil, Threats & Hate

Often, it’s hard to keep track of who’s battling who and what alliances have formed in the Middle East. Sometimes it’s as simple as good vs. evil (e.g., Hamas vs. Israel). And sometimes, the age-old concept that ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ applies. Things in the region are rarely easy and never clean, but that’s part of the reason we distribute these weekly missives: to make sense of a messy Middle East. With that in mind, this week we’re going to touch on Turkey, Iran and Iraq.

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The Action Update: Freedom Is Not Free

Here at home, on Memorial Day, we exercise the freedoms bequeathed to us by the fallen, while bearing in mind that the debt that enables our backyard barbeques can never be repaid. For the best amongst us, Memorial Day is made more personal by their having witnessed the heroism and sacrifice of the greatest of our fellow citizens.

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The Action Update: Rep. Massie Refuses to Condemn Antisemitism

In the past week, we’ve seen: a Republican lawmaker vote against a resolution condemning antisemitism; Iran, once again, threaten revenge for the killing of an Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) leader; and an increasing sense that certain members of the Republican party share more of their foreign policy attitude with The Squad than with the American electorate. So, let’s dive right in.

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The Action Update: The Nazis Are Here in the USA

For years, experts in the field from across the political spectrum have been warning about the startling and brutal rise in bigotry across the country. And in recent years, these comments ceased being a warning about what’s to come and have now become expressions of horror concerning what has arrived. It is with the heaviest of hearts that this week, we start here at home, with the hatred-fueled, horrific massacre of ten innocent people in Buffalo, NY.

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The Action Update: Brutal Terror Attacks Against Israelis

The decisions and actions of some in Washington often leave Americans scratching their heads. And this week, we’re going to discuss one of those moments in the context of senators’ attitudes towards Iran. However, before we get into the Potomac oddities, we’ll first dive into the troubling news out of Israel.

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The Action Update: Mossad Foils Iranian Effort to Kill American, Israeli Officials

This week’s Action Update has a little something for everyone. Intrigued by the efforts of Israel’s foreign intelligence service to protect innocent people? We’ve got you covered. Interested in some high-level policy analysis? There’s some of that as well. And of course, want to end on a good note? We do that do. So, without further ado…

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The Action Update: Rockets Fired at Israel

We work in politics, so we endeavor to be diplomatic. But there’s no diplomatic way of articulating the current situation: The Biden Administration’s Middle Eastern foreign policy approach is a slow-burning failure. And as you’ll see below, that belief isn’t rooted in one’s party or ideology – no one thinks that Team Biden’s approach to Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc… is working. So, the question is simple: When is the Biden Administration going to get it together? As far as we’re concerned, the longer they wait to right the ship the more likely the risk of a wider conflagration.

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The Action Update: Iran’s Leader Vows to Target Israel While Iran Talks Stall

Violence, threats and condemnations – over the past week, we’ve seen them all. But what does it really mean? In this week’s Action Update, we dive into what you need to care about, what you can ignore, and what comes next.

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The Action Update: Palestinian Terrorists Are Killing Israelis

In recent weeks, we’ve seen a heartbreaking wave of terror across Israel, a possible glimpse of sanity from the Biden administration on Iran, and some good news in the efforts to combat antisemitism at the state level. So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

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The Action Update: Iran’s Done Talking

One of the most important elements of our work is the intake of information. Our work product, from legislation and policy documents to your weekly Action Update, is the final element of our labors. This week, three sentences in the articles we read stuck out.

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