Updates & Analysis

The Action Update: The White House May Finally See Iran’s Leaders For Who They Are

This past week, we saw some important pro-Israel policies advance in Congress, learned through press reports that both the White House and Downing Street may finally be seeing the Iranian regime for who they are, and heard more bluster from the Islamic Republic’s tyrannical leaders. A jam-packed week for sure, so let’s dive right in.

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The Action Update: Anyone Surprised? Anyone Listening? Anyone Opposed?

Whether you’re an optimist, a pessimist or somewhere in between, this week’s Action Update has something for everyone. From predictable behavior by the Islamic Republic, to surprising twists in the Iran saga and, not least, some welcome vigor from Israel’s allies on Capitol Hill, we’re covering it all.

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The Action Update: What Does Everyone Want? What Can Be Done About it? What About Additional Sanctions?

This week the Iranians met, yet again, with world powers in Vienna to discuss the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. As we’ve seen numerous times before, nothing good has or will come out of such meetings. And the reason is simple: we know what the Iranians, the Israelis and the Biden administration hope will come out of these talks and when you look at those objectives side-by-side, those who oppose a nuclear Iran have a real problem.

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The Action Update: Iran’s Malice in the World, Iran’s Malice in the Middle East, Iran’s Malice at Home

In this week’s Action Update, we’re going to highlight Iran’s malicious activities throughout the Middle East and around the world. But first, read this Newsweek op-ed, from our Director of Public Policy and Strategy, discussing the need for the Biden administration to increase the United States’ response to Turkey’s malevolence and outlining the threats that Turkey poses to diplomacy and national security.

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The Action Update: A Step in the Right Direction, A Step in the Wrong Direction, Lebanon Losing More Friends

This week’s edition of the Action Update presents the good news and the bad news from Iran to Lebanon and, of course, our nation’s capital. It’s been an interesting week for US foreign policy and world affairs, so let’s dive right in.

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The Action Update: Iran Strikes Again, The Senate Strikes Back, Neo-Nazis Strike Out

In this week’s Action Update, we’ll cover topics from Iran to the BDS movement to neo-Nazis, but rest assured, despite it all, we remain unphased, uncompromising, and unabashed in our support for Israel.

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The Action Update: An American Patriot, Lebanon on the Brink (Again), Iran Buying Time (Again)

This week, the United States lost an American patriot who devoted his life to the service of his nation. Further down, we discuss certain policy items we feel our readers should be aware of, but first, let us take a moment to honor the late General Colin Powell.

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The Action Update: The Diplomats Meet

With Congress out of session, it’s a relatively quiet week in Washington. Nonetheless, there’s one meeting that Israel’s supporters should be aware of; so, we’ll unpack that today. In addition, some things are going on between Israel and Lebanon – and they’re not what you might expect.

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The Action Update: Sen. Rand Paul is Endangering Israeli Lives (and he knows it)

We’re not going to make a habit of it, but this week we’ll once again only be covering two topics in The Update. Why? Because sometimes events are so impactful that they demand fixation over attention, and sometimes events are so head turning as to leave the observer with whiplash.

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The Action Update: Congressional Israel Haters Abandon Any Pretense & President Biden at the United Nations

This week saw two events so highly significant to Israel’s security and the future of the US-Israel relationship that we’re deviating from our usual approach of addressing three topics and diving a bit more deeply into these two items. So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

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