Updates & Analysis

The Action Update: Iran on the Brink

In recent days, the Biden administration’s top defense policy official told Congress that it would take the Islamic Republic “about 12 days” to produce enough fissile material for a single nuclear bomb. This doesn’t mean they’ll have a bomb next week – there are other technological advancements that are required in order to put a nuke on the tip of a missile – but needless to say, this news is not good. In today’s Action Update, we delve into three storylines that inform this new and frightening information.

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The Action Update: Combatting Hatred

In case you missed it, this past Saturday, February 25th, was declared a “day of hate” by white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups. In this week’s Action Update, we analyze the hatred espoused by these bigots as well as the violent antisemitism perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists.

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The Action Update: Iran Wreaking Havoc Around the World

From uranium enrichment to terrorism, the Iranian regime is behaving in an increasingly aggressive manner. In this week’s Action Update, we look at Iran’s most recent brazen efforts to wreak havoc around the world.

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The Action Update: Terrorists and Washington’s “Hamas Caucus”

As we know, there is nothing sacred to terrorists. In this week’s Action Update, we’ll discuss the impact and ripple effects of this unholy approach to the world and what we are doing about it.

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The Action Update: Iran and Russia, a Match Made in Hell

Over the past week, there have been some significant developments here at home and in the Middle East. In this week’s Action Update, we’ll look at the headlines and then go a bit deeper.

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The Action Update: PA Goes After Israel & Harvard Reverts to Type

In this week’s Action Update, we see both sides of the U.S.-Israel relationship under the current American administration and acknowledge that we should’ve known better than to think Harvard was going to do the right thing when it comes to anything pertaining to Israel. Let’s dive right in.

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The Action Update: EU is asked, “Does it not pay to kill Jews?”

In this week’s edition of the Action Update, we wanted to bring you a few important stories that may have flown under the radar but nonetheless bear understanding. The common theme is that others seem to be realizing what we’ve been saying for years: don’t appease bad people.

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The Action Update: Iranian Drones and a Chemical Terror Attack Thwarted

During the past week, Washington was focused on the effort to elect a Speaker of the House of Representatives. With that task now complete, we’re sure our elected officials would agree that it’s time for Congress to get to the hard work of governing this nation. As they do so, here are a few items they might consider bearing in mind in the context of U.S. foreign policy.

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The Action Update: The UN Goes After Israel (Again) and Other 2023 Challenges

Welcome to 2023. We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year. Over the past few months, we’ve been preparing for the changes set to take place in Washington and around the world. In today’s Action Update, we’ll let you know what’s going on and what we’re looking at in the coming weeks, months and year.

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The Action Update: 2022 Successes and the Battles on the Horizon

This will be our final Action Update of the year, and as such, we thought we’d give a brief overview of where we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re headed in the coming year. So, without further ado, let’s look at your CUFI Action Fund’s present, past and future.

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