Updates & Analysis

The Action Update: Israel vs Palestinian Terrorists

Last week, Israel conducted Operation Shield and Arrow in response to rocket fire and to preempt additional terrorist attacks from the Gaza-based terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). In this week’s installment of the Action Update, we’ll discuss what happened during the flare-up. In addition, we’ll also bring you the latest on the unresolved national elections in Turkey.

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The Action Update: Tehran, Terrorists, and Betty McCollum

In this week’s edition of the Action Update, we look at the latest discussion over Israel’s right to defend itself against the Iranian nuclear threat, examine the latest piece of anti-Israel legislation introduced by a perennial Israel-hater in Congress, and discuss the latest positive development in Israel’s efforts to aid Ukraine against Russia’s invasion of the European democracy.

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The Action Update: There are Israel-haters in Congress

Israel enjoys widespread bipartisan support both in Congress and across the country. And in recent days, we’ve seen two high-level delegations of American lawmakers travel to the Jewish state. But there’s a problem on both sides of the aisle that all the trips and all the speeches in the world won’t solve. So, let’s dive in.

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The Action Update: Israel at 75

This week, Israel will mark the 75th anniversary of the modern Jewish state’s independence. However, in the 24 preceding hours, the Israeli people will first commemorate Israel’s Memorial Day. The tradition is quite straightforward: it is incumbent upon a society to remember those who fought and died to ensure their freedom prior to celebrating that freedom.

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The Action Update: Hitler’s Philosophical Progeny Meet in Iran

On Monday evening, the worldwide Jewish community began solemnly commemorating Yom HaShoah, the Holocaust Memorial Day. In Israel, sirens wailed throughout the land, and everyone, no matter what they were  doing, simply stopped to stand in solemn quiet prayer and reflection.

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The Action Update: Israel Contending with Multi-Front Attack

As Congress enters its second week of the annual Easter/Passover recess, we are heavily focused – and rightfully so – on the uptick in terror within Israel. In this week’s Action Update, we’ll discuss the multi-front offensive that Iran and its terrorist proxies are waging against Israel, the current status of the Iranian protest movement, and the latest from Turkey.

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The Action Update: A Realignment in the Middle East?

There are a lot of moving parts in the Middle East, and in this week’s edition of the Action Update, we focus on three storylines that, while ostensibly independent of one another, ultimately are all interconnected: Ramadan, Syria’s Middle East charm offensive, and U.S.-Israel cooperation.

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The Action Update: “Weak” U.S. Policy Towards Iran

We recognize that our readers have no doubt been following events inside Israel over the past weeks and we, too, are watching these events with concern. However, as you know, we take no position on internal Israeli politics. As such, in this week’s Action Update we will focus on a number of issues related to Iran.

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The Action Update: Palestinian Terror and Your Tax Dollars

In this week’s edition of the CUFI Action Update, we look at the rising concerns about Palestinian terrorism emanating from Judea and Samaria, and the impact American policy is having on the future prospects for peace in the region. Spoiler alert: things are not going well.

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The Action Update: China Meddling in the Middle East

Pardon our bluntness, but the effort to contend with Iran’s malevolence is not going particularly well. In order for Tehran’s behavior to be addressed, Washington must take a comprehensive approach to the Iranian threat. Unfortunately, while the Biden Administration has made some steps in the right direction, their overall foreign policy betrays a weakness to which our allies and adversaries are reacting. We’ll start with the good news, but don’t get your hopes up.

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