For the Media

CUFI Welcomes Passage of Omnibus, Iron Dome Funding

(3/10/22) WASHINGTON – On Thursday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, welcomed passage of the long-awaited omnibus spending bill, which includes funding for several pro-Israel priorities. “From core support enabling Israel to defend itself against tyrants that seek its destruction, to the vital resupply of Israel’s Iron Dome missile […]

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CUFI Marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day

(1/27/2022) SAN ANTONIO – On Thursday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day by emphasizing the importance of efforts to combat antisemitism. “Antisemitism is alive and well in the United States, and it must be stamped out. Silence in the face of this abomination […]

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CUFI Welcome Congressional Passage of the NDAA

(12/15/2021) WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, welcomed Congressional passage of the FY 22 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), including several key provisions relevant to the US-Israel relationship. “We may often find ourselves frustrated with Congressional discord, but on the NDAA they got a […]

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ICYMI: CUFI’s Boris Zilberman Calls For U.S. To Stop “Treading Water” With Turkey

(11/08/2021) WASHINGTON – In a recent op-ed for Newsweek, Boris Zilberman, director of public policy and strategy for Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund, discussed the need for the Biden administration to increase the United States’ response to Turkey and outlines the threats to diplomacy and national security that Turkey poses.   In his […]

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CUFI Action Fund Welcomes Majority Leader’s Commitment To Advancing Iron Dome Support

(10/19/2021) WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund welcomed reports that the U.S. Senate’s Democratic leadership is prepared to overcome Senator Rand Paul’s obstruction to approving Israel’s emergency request to replenish its Iron Dome missile defense system in the wake of a terrorist onslaught earlier this year. “Iron Dome saves […]

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CUFI Condemns Sen. Rand Paul for Blocking Iron Dome Assistance

(10/04/2021) WASHINGTON — On Monday, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, strongly condemned Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) for blocking vital American support for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. “Iron Dome is a matter of life and death for Israelis and Palestinians, and Sen. Paul, true to form, is treating the […]

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CUFI Welcomes House Passage of Iron Dome Funding

(09/23/2021) WASHINGTON – The leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, issued the following statements in response to the House of Representatives passing HR 5323, legislation that will appropriate funds to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. “The House of Representatives has spoken, and the message is clear: the […]

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CUFI Action Fund Strongly Condemns Capitulation to Anti-Israel Members of Congress

Parker: “Speaker Pelosi must decide who leads her party, the President of the United States or the fringe Democrats who held the CR hostage to block a lifesaving tool simply because they hate Israel.” (09/21/2021) WASHINGTON – The Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund released the following statement in response to the decision to […]

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State Leaders Stand With CUFI In Passing Critical Legislation

(04/28/2021) SAN ANTONIO – On Wednesday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, issued a statement welcoming the news that this week the governors of Idaho and West Virginia signed CUFI-backed anti-BDS legislation in their states into law and the Alabama State Senate concurred with the state’s House of Representatives […]

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CUFI Action Fund Reacts to SASC Vote on Kahl

(03/24/2021) WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Action Fund, released the following statement concerning today’s vote on the nomination of Colin Kahl to serve as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in the Senate Committee on Armed Services: ”The CUFI Action Fund is disappointed in Senator Manchin’s decision to support Dr. Kahl’s nomination, […]

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