Breaking up is hard to do. Especially when you’ve been Facebook NATO official for a while. But when your partner’s been consistently disloyal, bullies your friends and is now publicly stepping out with your longtime nemesis, it’s time to move on. He’s just not that into you. Likewise, Turkey’s bully-in-chief, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a smooth talker, and multiple US policy makers have been seduced by his silver tongue. But it’s time to say buh-bye.
Category: Updates
The Action Update: The EU and Hezbollah, The EU and Iran, and Turkey’s Tentacles
This week, Irving Roth, a Holocaust survivor and educator featured in CUFI’s new documentary film Never Again?, penned an op-ed for Newsweek where he discusses his experiences in 1940’s Europe to make the point that hatred, which begins with words, ends in horrific action.
The Action Update: Never Missing an Opportunity, And While They’re at It…., and Talking Turkey (Again)
This past week served as a stark reminder that no matter what the world is focused on at any given moment, our adversaries do not relent and there is no lie they will not tell to advance their agenda. Since the most ludicrous item of the week came from Ramallah, let’s start there.
The Action Update: Peace Through Strength, Weakness Invites Aggression, and There are No Coincidences
In recent weeks, we’ve seen the results of two diametrically opposite approaches to foreign policy play out. On the one hand, we’ve watched as history was made when the Abraham Accords were signed in Washington. On the other, we’ve seen Lebanon descend even further into chaos with Hezbollah and Iran on the ascendancy.
The Action Update: Tehran’s Terrorists, America’s Answer & The World’s Weakness
Regular readers of the Action Update know that Iran’s support for terror is so prevalent that it’s hardly even newsworthy anymore. The same goes for the Islamic Republic’s efforts to develop a nuclear weapon. And sadly, the international community’s weakness in the face of Iranian belligerence hardly warrants a headline these days. But sometimes, the sum of events is greater than the whole of its parts. And over the past week, all of these appalling realities have come into stark relief.
Op-ed: The Danger of Biden Wanting an Iran Deal Too Much
A return to the old nuclear deal is a non-starter, writes CUFI’s policy head: Any agreement with the Tehran regime must be comprehensive, bipartisan and durable. And Biden’s team must be willing to walk away.
Upon taking office, President-elect Joe Biden will be greeted with a Middle East very different from the one he may recall from his days in the White House. Nowhere are these changes more apparent and more important than in the effort to curb Iran’s regional ambitions.
The Action Update: A Brave New World, Peace Through Strength, Back to the Future.
This week’s Action Update is being written just hours after CUFI’s founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee, the CUFI Action Fund’s Chairwoman Sandra Parker, and several other CUFI staff were at the White House witnessing leaders from Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signing peace agreements. History is being made, and we’re in the midst of it.
The Action Update: A Pariah Rising, A Country Falling
The Mediterranean Sea comprises nearly 1 million square miles of pristine blue waters. Whether you’re sitting on a beach in Tel Aviv or lounging on a coastal Greek balcony, the view is of a magnificent, awe-inspiring expanse, – unless of course you’re Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Edorgan. All he sees is a battlefield. In this week’s Action Update we’re going to go around the Med, starting with the ravings of Turkey’s strongman President and then turning our attention to the latest out of Lebanon.
The Action Update: Meet the New Boss…, Enter the Turks, UAE-Israel Normalization
Earlier this week it was reported that the French Minister of the Armed Forces, said, “Hezbollah is a legitimate political party.” In this week’s Action Update we’ll discuss recent events in Lebanon (spoiler alert: the French are wrong), as well the latest progress to normalize relations between the UAE and Israel.
The Action Update: Speaking of Allies, Speaking of Turkey, Speaking of Pariah States
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in the Middle East this week, where he is meeting with leaders in Israel as well as several Arab countries in the hopes of replicating the normalization of relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel. Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, expressed optimism in in an interview stating that we would soon see other Arab countries choose to join the growing coalition of countries abandoning unnecessary quarrels with the Jewish state and choosing instead to focus on peace and prosperity in the region.