The Action Update: Attack on Israeli Ship, A Murderer Take Office, and Iran Nuclear Deal on Life Support

In this week’s Action Update, we’re going to focus all our attention on Iran. Tehran is the leading state sponsor of terror. The regime is pursuing a nuclear weapon. But their people have long been disgusted with their leaders, and a war criminal now occupies the President’s chair in the Islamic Republic.

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The Action Update: Ben & Jerry’s Rocky Road, Pres. Biden’s narrowing Corridor, and A Clear Path to Peace

It’s not often that one edition of a weekly newsletter provides a perspective on ice cream, nuclear weapons, and Arab-Israeli relations, but in this week’s Action Update, we plan on doing exactly that. So please, sit back, relax, crack open a pint of Haagen-Dazs or Blue Bell, and read all about these items below.

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The Action Update: Foreign Aid to Israel, Cybersecurity Cooperation, and Hezbollah in Lain America

On Sunday and Monday, the annual CUFI Summit was held in Dallas. Due to covid-related restrictions, the event was by-invitation only, and limited to 700 participants. Despite these limitations, CUFI’s impact will not be diminished. As some of you may recall, last year’s Summit had to be held entirely online. Engagement with elected officials had to be done via digital methods as well. Nonetheless, CUFI members delivered more than 300,000 emails to lawmakers in the weeks after the Summit in support of CUFI’s 2020 legislative agenda, and all three items on that agenda advanced through Congress and were signed by the President.

We look forward to the same this year. The 2021 CUFI legislative agenda again includes three items, which are the focus of this week’s Action Update.

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The Action Update: Evil, Tragic, and Good

We want to let you in on a little secret. Some weeks the Action Update is harder to write than others. It’s not because there’s a lack of information, but rather because for certain events, capturing the sheer magnitude of it all is elusive. So, we’d ask you to bear with us this week, because we’re mad, we’re heartbroken and we’ve never been prouder to stand with Israel.

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The Action Update: CUFI Solidarity Mission to Israel with Ambassador Haley

Over the past week, members of CUFI leadership and the CUFI Action Fund traveled from Abu Dhabi to Jerusalem and back home to the USA. Along the way, we spoke at length with an Arab royal, hugged a grandmother as she wept in the ruins of her home destroyed by a Hamas rocket, shared numerous wonderful and heartbreaking moments with former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, and walked in the footsteps of the Jesus.

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The Action Update: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Following Gaza-Israel Conflict

This week’s Action Update looks back at some of the obscene rhetoric we saw during the recent conflagration between Hamas and Israel, and assesses the consequences of that commentary in the context of the massive increase in antisemitism we’ve seen in recent days here in the US. But before we get into all of that, let’s start with a bit of positive analysis.

The Action Update: Israel Will Prevail Against Hamas

We’ve no doubt that even casual observers of the Middle East are aware that Israel is currently battling, yet again, against the Palestinian terrorist forces Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. As the terrorists hide behind innocent Palestinians, they have unleashed a hailstorm of rockets at Israeli civilians. Hamas and its ilk are war criminals, they are evil and they are cowards. In today’s Action Update, we’ll discuss how we got here, why we got here, and what we can expect in the coming days.