This week’s Action Update is coming to you a bit late because there were so many things happening over the past few days that we wanted to address them in as close to real time as possible. With that out of the way, let’s dive right in.
Category: Updates
The Action Update: A Third Intifada?
A new terror group has emerged in the West Bank, and they are mixing traditional guerilla warfare tactics with the longstanding inhumanity of Palestinian terrorism. They are dangerous, organized and their actions may very well spark a Third Intifada.
The Action Update: Abbas’s Allies Kill Israeli Soldier
It’s often said that the world is smaller and more interconnected than ever before, but it’s a cliché for a reason: it’s true. Keeping with the clichés, in this week’s Action Update, we’ll discuss how all politics is local and how a threat to freedom anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere.
The Action Update: In Iran an Entire Generation Demands Liberty
The Action Update: The Homefront is the Front Line
The Action Update: A Mass Murderer Comes to the USA
Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, is a war criminal and mass murderer. His regime regularly tortures and kills innocent people, supports assassination and kidnapping plots in the U.S. (against both former officials and dissidents), holds American citizens hostage, and thumbs its nose at the international community’s concern with its nuclear weapons program. Despite all of this, the Biden administration is granting Raisi a visa to speak, in New York, at the annual meeting of the UN General Assembly set to take place this week.
The Action Update: Palestinian Terrorism on the Rise
The Middle East, and those concerned with what goes on there, rarely face a week that’s all good. Sadly, sometimes, the news is all bad. And sometimes, like the past week, we get a bit of everything. So, let’s dive right in.
The Action Update: In Iran an Entire Generation Demands Liberty
While there has been a lot going on inside the U.S., from the tragic devastation of Hurricane Ian to the upcoming mid-term elections, the press continues to cover international matters of importance as well. Sadly, however, in many respects we haven’t seen the press focus the appropriate amount of attention on the protests going on in Iran. That may not be the only reason the U.S. continues to make serious missteps in this context, but the failure by a great deal of the mainstream media in this context certainly isn’t helping matters.
The Action Update: Can we Avoid a Nuclear Iran?
There’s an old Jewish lesson (of sorts) that goes something like this: if you haven’t had a drop to drink, yet two Rabbis tell you you’re drunk, go home and sleep it off. The message is simple: no matter how confident you are in your belief or position, if two learned friends tell you you’re wrong, take some time to reconsider. President Biden would do well to bear this lesson in mind in the days and weeks ahead.
The Action Update: Getting Fleeced At The Iranian Bazaar
Reports have come out this week, that world powers and the Iranians may be inching closer to a renewed Iran nuclear accord. Troublingly, a senior Iranian official said in a recent interview, “The achievements of the Islamic Republic in the nuclear talks in the past one month were exceptional.” This comes on the heels of Iran’s top nuclear negotiator providing local reporters with a list of “concessions,” Tehran has extracted from Washington.
Diplomacy involves compromise, but if these reports are to be believed – and we’ve seen no evidence since President Biden took office that they should be discounted – it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Biden administration’s Iran negotiators are simply bad at their jobs. The American people were promised a longer and stronger agreement, yet today, Iran is boasting about the “concessions” to which Team Biden has acquiesced. |