Updates & Analysis

The Action Update: CUFI Action Fund on CBN

This week, CUFI held the annual Gathering of Leaders in San Antonio. During this two-day event, CUFI’s Board and top leadership learned about a wide range of issues from a host of speakers. Next week, we’ll be back with our traditional Action Update, but for today, we encourage you to take just a few minutes and watch this CBN interview with our Chairwoman, Sandra Parker, during which she discusses the Biden administration’s reaction to news that a dozen UN employees, whose agency receives American taxpayer dollars, participated in the 10/7 Hamas Massacre.

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The Action Update: Washington’s Fantasy vs. Israel’s Reality

There is an enormous gulf between Washington’s discussions about what’s going on in the Middle East, and what’s actually going on in the Middle East. The consequences of this disconnect are significant. In this week’s edition of the Action Update, we’ll discuss Washington’s fantasies, Israel’s reality, and the politics breaking American foreign policy.

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The Action Update: The Consequences of Chaos & Looking Ahead

In this week’s edition of the Action Update, we look at what happens when Washington stops functioning, update our readers on our state-level efforts, and offer a bit of wisdom for those seeking to understand the day after Gaza. So, let’s get into it. 

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The Action Update: God Hates a Coward

This past Sunday marked the 100th day since thousands of Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, rampaged through the country’s south, murdering 1,200 people and kidnapping hundreds more. In this edition of the Action Update, we will discuss the current status of the conflict, from Gaza to Washington.

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The Action Update: Hezbollahstan

In recent days, we’ve seen significant developments on Israel’s northern border, in the West Bank and in Gaza. Elsewhere around the Middle East, we are seeing a noteworthy uptick in terrorist activity targeting Western interests and shipping lanes important to the world economy. And behind it all are the Tyrants of Tehran and their Russian partners in (war) crime.

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The Action Update: We Are the Antidote to Antisemitism

As war rages in the Gaza Strip, antisemitism is reaching fever pitch here throughout the world, and the Pentagon has announced a new operation to confront Iran-backed Houthi terrorists’ attacks on international shipping.

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The Action Update: Education Dictates Values

Israel has been engaged in intense combat with Hamas for more than two months. During this time, here in the United States we have seen a wide swing against Israel through misleading media coverage and numerous displays of antisemitism. But despite that, America is standing with Israel.

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The Action Update: #MeToo, Unless You’re a Jew

The temporary ceasefire between Hamas and Israel was violated by the terror group and has now ended, but not before 75 Israeli and 24 foreign hostages were released by Hamas. There have been numerous important developments this week, so let’s get right to it.

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The Action Update: Israel at War & Congressional Chaos

War continues in Israel. Chaos continues in Congress. All the while, Iran is threatening to get involved in the conflict, and things are heating up on Israel’s northern border. Let’s get into it.

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The Action Update: Israel at War

We are deviating from the traditional Action Update in light of the massacre and ensuing war that began this weekend. In today’s missive we will provide an update on the current situation, and what we believe is likely to occur in the coming days. We will follow this Update with additional information during the week, including how you can be directly involved in supporting Israel’s efforts to end Hamas’s existence as we know it.

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